About Us


Providence Healthcare is a Core Service Agency (CSA) certified by the Department of Behavioral Health in the District of Columbia (DC) to provide Substance Use Disorder services.

We aim to deliver superior and unparalleled service to our clients by using an individualized, person-centered approach; respecting each individual’s cultural diversity while promoting recovery; engaging clients in non-confrontational therapies that assist them in following their personal wellness plans; and providing long-term support for restoring life in the family and community.

Providence Healthcare has developed an intensive outpatient Substance Use Disorder program that brings a fresh and evidence-based treatment modality to individuals. We improve outcomes by reaching individuals early in their difficulty with addicting substances.

Our Values

At Providence Healthcare, our vision is to create a supportive environment for all individuals experiencing any form of addiction; specifically alcohol and drug dependence. Our goal is to support our clients through their recovery and rehabilitation so they can lead meaningful lives.
We make every effort and every expectation to encourage early identification of heavy use or misuse of alcohol and other drugs by seasoned professionals who witness early symptoms.

Our Differentiators

The services that Providence Healthcare offers reflect, and are based, on the following core principles:
We Aim to Deliver Superior and Unparalleled Services

Our Mission

At Providence Healthcare, our mission is to combat America’s Behavioral Health crisis. We aim to achieve this by fostering hope and providing comprehensive, person-centered, holistic services to those affected by substance use.

We understand that people begin abusing substances - opioids, prescription drugs and alcohol, for many reasons and that, for some, this may begin to feel unmanageable. We strive to encourage early identification of extensive use or misuse of alcohol and other drugs by experts who witness early symptoms.

We devote time to screening, brief interventions and referral to treatment (SBIRT). Our model establishes a respect for and knowledge of brain disease, particularly substance use disorder – at all stages of risk and dependence. Individual wellness plans are informed by medical examinations, counselor observations and client reporting.

Wellness planning is also an important and continuing process for each individual. We encourage our clients to develop community networks in education, employment, primary health, recreation, volunteer services, andworship to help foster their recovery.

Long-term relationships with community support groups are encouraged, including, but not limited to, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Smart Recovery.

Outreach Program

Our outreach team is responsible for engaging the District of Columbia community in regard to prevention, timely intervention, and treatment of substance abuse. The outreach team is comprised of community support workers, the clinical team, and other professional and administrative staff.

The Providence Healthcare treatment model aims to help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society. As part of our outreach, we aim to involve the community in reforming disadvantageous behaviors and cognition, and to develop collaborative and productive relationships with residents.